name="TimAdyeSandbox" |
Samples generated with
- Sherpa 1.1.3 pp → jjj (ie. 3 partons, quark or gluons)
- parton pT≥20 GeV/c, |η|<2.5
- Sherpa's default
JetFinder sqr(QCUT/E_CMS) D with different values of QCUT and D . This is a kT algorithm (Sherpa 1.2.0 allows other algorithms, including anti-kT)
- Did not include ΔR cut for these tests, but this can be done using
(sqr(DEta(p[1],p[2]))+sqr(DPhi(p[1],p[2]))>=0.36))" 93,93,93 2,3
(spacing, included here for clarity, is not allowed in Sherpa's Run.dat ) which requires at least two of the three ΔR between partons to be ≥0.6, ie. ΔR≥0.6 between one parton and both the other two.
Plots made for 1000 events for various samples:
- The PDG id is of the 3 partons per event. Do we really expect ~80% of the partons to be gluons, rather than quarks?
- Jet plots are for jets with pT≥20 GeV/c and |η|<2.5 and at least three such jets.
- I plot the smallest, middle, and largest ΔR and Δp in the event. The smallest shows the cut-off due to generator parameters. The middle shows what we would cut on with a ΔR cut. Note the different jet ΔR/Δp samples don't have the same normalisation (especially for Qcut=40,D=1), due to the 3-jet cut.
- The effect of varying Qcut and D shows in the parton separations, but not much in the reconstructed jets. Is the effect really so washed out?
- After hours of LXR/dOxygen searching, I finally found how to run a jet finder on generator output. You need to set a flag to specify the input type: this is done automatically for other input types, but not for generator input. For the record, here's the magic incantation:
from JetRec.JetRecFlags import jobproperties as jetFlags
jetFlags.JetRecFlags.inputFileType = "GEN"
from JetRec.JetGetters import make_StandardJetGetter
collname = make_StandardJetGetter('AntiKt', 0.4, 'Truth').jetAlgorithmHandle().JetCollectionName
-- TimAdye - 2009-12-15
attachment="jetq.pdf" attr="" comment="varying Qcut" date="1260908885" name="jetq.pdf" path="jetq.pdf" size="44451" stream="jetq.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp7783" user="TimAdye" version="1" |
attachment="jetd.pdf" attr="" comment="varying D" date="1260908902" name="jetd.pdf" path="jetd.pdf" size="43965" stream="jetd.pdf" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp7842" user="TimAdye" version="1" |