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Getting Started

This page contains instructions on setting up the accounts you need in order to run at RAL. It also contains information on the names of the computers you can log into.

RAL accounts

Your RAL PPD Unix system user name should be the same as your federal (windows) ID. The password does not have to be the same though.

Grid Certificates

In order to run large scale jobs on the grid you need a grid certificate. You will however still be able to run jobs on the local batch system without a certificate. In order to get a grid certificate you should go to the Certification Authority Homepage, click on the apply for the Apply for a certificate link and follow the instructions. Once you have applied for a certificate you will recieve an email telling you to go to one of several people in order to complete the registration process. If you are new to RAL you will need to take along some form of ID (although your RAL access card is also good enough) which will be photocopied.

Need to explain How to get a grid certificate What VO to join What the certificate allows you to do

Logging into the Cluster

The names of the computers you want to log into are:

linux.pp.rl.ac.uk General SL4 User Interface
heplnx101.pp.rl.ac.uk General SL4 User Interface
heplnx102.pp.rl.ac.uk General SL4 User Interface
heplnx103.pp.rl.ac.uk General SL3 User Interface
heplnx104.pp.rl.ac.uk CMS SL4 User Interface (PhEDEx)
heplnx105.pp.rl.ac.uk ATLAS SL4 User Interface
heplnx106.pp.rl.ac.uk ATLAS SL4 User Interface
heplnx107.pp.rl.ac.uk CMS SL4 User Interface
heplnx108.pp.rl.ac.uk LHCb SL4 User Interface
heplnx109.pp.rl.ac.uk General SL5 User Interface
heplnx110.pp.rl.ac.uk (not deployed yet) General SL5 User Interface

These computers are for interactive computing for running larger jobs please see RunningAthena.

Accessing the cluster from the internal network

If you are on the internal network you can log into the Cluster using standard ssh.

Accessing the cluster from offsite

In order to access the Cluster from offsite you need to set up a VPN to RAL. Instructions for setting up a VPN to RAL can be found here. Once you have joined the VPN you are treated as on the internal network and can log in using ssh.

-- AlastairDewhurst - 2009-10-09

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Topic revision: r5 - 2010-04-27 - AlastairDewhurst
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