import GaudiPython from Gaudi.Configuration import * from GaudiPython.Bindings import gbl, AppMgr, Helper from Configurables import GaudiSequencer, HltSelReportsMaker, OutputStream, DaVinci from Configurables import PrintDecayTree from os import environ from Configurables import DecayTreeTuple, EventTuple from Configurables import CombineParticles, FilterDesktop from Configurables import TupleToolMCBackgroundInfo, TupleToolMCTruth, TupleToolTrigger, TupleToolTISTOS, TupleToolDecay, BackgroundCategory from StrippingConf.StrippingLine import StrippingLine DV = DaVinci() DV.EvtMax = -1 DV.PrintFreq = 100 DV.SkipEvents = 0 DV.DataType = "2010" DV.Simulation = True DV.L0 = False #want this to be False for data; True will overwrite decisions. the same applies to the next few settings DV.Hlt = False DV.ReplaceL0BanksWithEmulated = False #reruns the L0. need more info #DV.HltThresholdSettings = 'Physics_25Vis_25L0_2Hlt1_2Hlt2_May10' #only makes sense if re-running trigger ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [ "NTupleSvc" ] NTupleSvc().Output = [ "FILE1 DATAFILE='/home/hep/uoh35620/stuff/batch-generate/data/up/all/' TYP='ROOT' OPT='NEW'" ] #NTupleSvc().Output = [ "FILE1 DATAFILE='castor:/castor/' TYP='ROOT' OPT='NEW'" ] from Configurables import CondDB CondDB().IgnoreHeartBeat = True #stripping stream location location = '/Event/Bhadron/Phys/B2DXStrippingSelChi2Loose' from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import AutomaticData, Selection, SelectionSequence # Get the Candidates from the DST. # Treat particles already on the DST as data-on-demand, but give the full path. B2DXSel = AutomaticData(Location = location) # Filter the Candidate. Replace 'ALL' by some cuts. B2DXFilter = FilterDesktop('B2DXFilter') B2DXFilter.Code = "ALL" #replace this if wanted # make a Selection B2DXFilterSel = Selection(name = 'B2DXFilterSel', Algorithm = B2DXFilter, RequiredSelections = [ B2DXSel]) # build the SelectionSequence B2DXSeq = SelectionSequence('B2DXSeq', TopSelection = B2DXFilterSel) DV.appendToMainSequence( [ B2DXSeq.sequence() ] ) ######################################################################## # DecayTreeTuples ######################################################################## # # Initialisation # TupleSequence = GaudiSequencer ("TupleSequencer") AnalysisDecayTreeTuple = DecayTreeTuple("AnalysisDecayTreeTuple") BachelorDecayTreeTuple = DecayTreeTuple("BachelorDecayTreeTuple") KstarDecayTreeTuple = DecayTreeTuple("KstarDecayTreeTuple") BachelorOrKstarDecayTreeTuple = GaudiSequencer("BachelorOrKstarDecayTreeTuple") BachelorOrKstarDecayTreeTuple.ModeOR = 1 BachelorOrKstarDecayTreeTuple.Members = [BachelorDecayTreeTuple,KstarDecayTreeTuple] TupleSequence.Members += [AnalysisDecayTreeTuple] TupleSequence.Members += [BachelorOrKstarDecayTreeTuple] #Plots AnalysisDecayTreeTuple.InputLocations = ["B2DXFilterSel"] AnalysisDecayTreeTuple.Decay = "[[B0]cc -> (^D~0 => {^K+ ^pi-, ^K- ^pi+,^K+ ^K-,^pi+ ^pi-}) ? ]cc" AnalysisDecayTreeTuple.Branches = { "D" : "[[B0]cc -> (^D~0 => {K+ pi-, K- pi+, K+ K-, pi+ pi-}) {K+, pi+}]cc" ,"Positive_D_daughter" : "[[B0]cc -> (D~0 => {^K+ pi-, K- ^pi+, ^K+ K-, ^pi+ pi-, ^K+ ^pi+,K- pi-}) ? ]cc" ,"Negative_D_daughter" : "[[B0]cc -> (D~0 => {K+ ^pi-, ^K- pi+, K+ ^K-, pi+ ^pi-, K+ pi+,^K- ^pi-}) ? ]cc" ,"B" : "[B0]cc : [[B0]cc -> (D~0 => {K+ pi-, K- pi+,K+ K-,pi+ pi-, K+ pi+, K- pi-}) ? ]cc" } BachelorDecayTreeTuple = DecayTreeTuple("BachelorDecayTreeTuple") BachelorDecayTreeTuple.InputLocations = ["B2DXFilterSel"] BachelorDecayTreeTuple.Decay = "[[B+]cc -> (^D~0 => {^K+ ^pi-, ^K- ^pi+,^K+ ^K-,^pi+ ^pi-,^K+ ^pi+,^K- ^pi-}) {^K+, ^pi+}]cc" BachelorDecayTreeTuple.Branches = { "D" : "[[B+]cc -> (^D~0 => {K+ pi-, K- pi+, K+ K-, pi+ pi-,K+ pi+,K- pi-}) {K+, pi+}]cc" ,"Positive_D_Daughter" : "[[B+]cc -> (D~0 => {^K+ pi-, K- ^pi+, ^K+ K-, ^pi+ pi-,^K+ ^pi+,K- pi-}) {K+, pi+}]cc" ,"Negative_D_Daughter" : "[[B+]cc -> (D~0 => {K+ ^pi-, ^K- pi+, K+ ^K-, pi+ ^pi-,K+ pi+,^K- ^pi-}) {K+, pi+}]cc" ,"Bachelor" : "[[B+]cc -> (D~0 => {K+ pi-, K- pi+, K+ K-, pi+ pi-,K+ pi+,K- pi-}) {^K+, ^pi+}]cc" ,"B" : "[B+]cc : [[B+]cc -> (D~0 => {K+ pi-, K- pi+, K+ K-, pi+ pi-,K+ pi+,K- pi-}) {K+, pi+}]cc" } KstarDecayTreeTuple = DecayTreeTuple("KstarDecayTreeTuple") KstarDecayTreeTuple.InputLocations = ["B2DXFilterSel"] KstarDecayTreeTuple.Decay = "[[B0]cc -> (^D~0 => {^K+ ^pi-, ^K- ^pi+,^K+ ^K-,^pi+ ^pi-,^K+ ^pi+,^K- ^pi-}) (^K*(892)0 => ^K+ ^pi-) ]cc" KstarDecayTreeTuple.Branches = { "KStar" : "[[B0]cc -> (D~0 => {K+ pi-, K- pi+, K+ K-, pi+ pi-,K+ pi+,K- pi-}) (^K*(892)0 => K+ pi-) ]cc" ,"D" : "[[B0]cc -> (^D~0 => {K+ pi-, K- pi+, K+ K-, pi+ pi-,K+ pi+,K- pi-}) (K*(892)0 => K+ pi-) ]cc" ,"Positive_D_Daughter" : "[[B0]cc -> (D~0 => {^K+ pi-, K- ^pi+, ^K+ K-, ^pi+ pi-,^K+ ^pi+,K- pi-}) (K*(892)0 => K+ pi-) ]cc" ,"Negative_D_Daughter" : "[[B0]cc -> (D~0 => {K+ ^pi-, ^K- pi+, K+ ^K-, pi+ ^pi-,K+ pi+,^K- ^pi-}) (K*(892)0 => K+ pi-) ]cc" ,"K_from_kstar" : "[[B0]cc -> (D~0 => {K+ pi-, K- pi+, K+ K-, pi+ pi-,K+ pi+,K- pi-}) (K*(892)0 => ^K+ pi-) ]cc" ,"Pi_from_kstar" : "[[B0]cc -> (D~0 => {K+ pi-, K- pi+, K+ K-, pi+ pi-,K+ pi+,K- pi-}) (K*(892)0 => K+ ^pi-) ]cc" ,"B" : "[B0]cc : [[B0]cc -> (D~0 => {K+ pi-, K- pi+,K+ K-,pi+ pi-}) (K*(892)0 => K+ pi-) ]cc" } KstarDecayTreeTuple.ToolList += [ "TupleToolGeometry" , "TupleToolAngles" , "TupleToolKinematic" , "TupleToolPrimaries" , "TupleToolPid" , "TupleToolEventInfo" , "TupleToolTrackInfo" ] BachelorDecayTreeTuple.ToolList += [ "TupleToolGeometry" , "TupleToolAngles" , "TupleToolKinematic" , "TupleToolPrimaries" , "TupleToolPid" , "TupleToolEventInfo" , "TupleToolTrackInfo" ] AnalysisDecayTreeTuple.ToolList += [ "TupleToolGeometry" , "TupleToolAngles" , "TupleToolKinematic" , "TupleToolPrimaries" , "TupleToolPid" , "TupleToolEventInfo" , "TupleToolTrackInfo" , "LoKi::Hybrid::TupleTool/LoKi_All" ] ######################################################################## # Add sequence to DaVinci ######################################################################## DV.UserAlgorithms += [TupleSequence]