AliRidhaMoledina - 2014-02-05
When using the HEPAO printer it is essentail that the paper Source be in the form of Rolls only
Also every one must remember that there a number of paper types when using the printer but we only use two of them and they are :-
- Plotter Paper - used
- Inkjet Films
- Vinyls
- Photo Gloss - used
- Matte
- Satin & Lustre Papers
- Canvas inkjet
- Fine Art Media
There are also many paper Sizes when using the printer but we only use two of them and they are :-
Below are some helpful links to videos that will help you when using the HEPAO printer:-
How to set up and install HP Designjet T920 and T1500 ePrinters (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCtst9D1cDE)
Use true print preview to avoid mistakes using HP Designjet T-series ePrinters (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Uo82roBQwo)