Condor works differently to many other batch systems so it is advised that you have a look at the User Manual. We are currently only supporting the "Vanilla" universe.

Submitting a Job

To submit a jobs to the condor batch system you first need to write a "submit description file" to describe the job to the system: A very simple file would look like this:

# Example 1                                                            
# Simple HTCondor submit description file                                    
Executable   = myexe                                                    
Log          = myexe.log                                                    
Input        = inputfile
Output       = outputfile

That runs myexe on the batch machine (after copying it and inputfile to a temporary directory on the machine) and copies back the standard output of the job to a file called outputfile

A more complex example submit description would look like:

# Example 2                                                            
# More Complex HTCondor submit description file                                    

Universe               = vanilla
Executable             =
Arguments              = input-$(process).txt result/output-$(process).txt
Log                    = log/my_analysis-$(Process).log
Input                  = input/input-$(process).txt
Output                 = output/my_analysis-$(Process).out
Error                  = output/my_analysis-$(Process).err
Request_memory         = 2 GB
Transfer_output_files  = result/output-$(process).txt
Transfer_output_remaps = "output-$(process).txt = results/output-$(process).txt"
Notification           = complete
Notify_user            =
Getenv                 = True
Queue 20

This submit runs 20 copies (Queue 20) of input-$(process).txt result/output-$(process).txt where $(process) is replaced by a number 0 to 19. It will copy and input-$(process).txt to each of the worker nodes (taking the input file from the local input directory). The standard output and error from the job are copied back to the local output directory at the end of the job and the file result/output-$(process).txt is copied back to the local results directory. It copies over the local environment to the worker node (Getenv = True) and requests 2GB of memory to run in on the worker node. Finally it e-mails the user when each job completes.

Monitoring Your Jobs

The basic command for monitoring jobs is condor_q by default this only shows jobs submitted to the "schedd" (essentially submit node) you are using, to see all the jobs in the system run condor_q -global

If jobs have been idle for a while you can use condor_q -analyze <job_id> to look at the resources requested by the job and how they match to the available resources on the cluster.

Failed jobs often go into a "Held" state rather than disappearing, condor_q -held <jobid> will often give some information on why the job failed.

condor_userprio will give you an idea of the current usage and failshares on the cluster.

Local Commands

The PPD interactive machines have some local commands for making the Condor batch system a bit more convenient to use and more like the LSF system used on lxplus at CERN.

You can use bqsub to submit jobs (similar to LSF's bsub command). The full command can be specified on the command-line, so you don't need to create a "submit description file". Specify a time limit with bqsub -c hh:mm. eg.

bqsub -c 24:00 Sherpa PTCUT:=20 EVENTS=1000

qjobs (like LSF's bjobs) lists your running jobs with more helpful information.

qpeek (like LSF's bpeek) shows a running job's logfile (this may prompt for your password to ssh to the batch worker node).

Use bqsub -h, qjobs -h, or qpeek -h for help.

-- ChrisBrew - 2014-03-26

This topic: Computing/Documentation > WebHome > BatchSystem > BatchUsageCondor
Topic revision: r2 - 2015-02-10 - TimAdye
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