Running jobs on the local cluster
A detailed description is provided by the computing group in
their pages. If it's small you can of course run interactively. If you want to run in btch the easiest is to use Tim's magic commands which look similar to bsub
bqsub ./
bqsub -s 32GB ./
I noticed with
RootCore I needed to allocate more memory than the default if I run over large statistics. Also note that with Condor you cannot set a time limit on your jobs. All jobs will run for up to 2 days wall-time.
To find out if your jobs are running
If you submitted crap and want to delete jobs use the condor commands
condor_rm <jobid>
Monika Wielers - 2015-07-02
Topic revision: r3 - 2016-07-20
- TimAdye