Difference: EmptyPlugin (1 vs. 25)

Revision 252018-07-06 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

   Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
   http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin or provide feedback at
   If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins


This is an empty plugin. Use it as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be extended and used.

To create your own plugin:

  • Copy file lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin. Add your own code; remove all handlers you do not plan to use.
  • Create a <name>Plugin documentation topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackageHowTo and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic on twiki.org yet). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • Please consider contributing your plugin back to the TWiki community by publishing it in the Plugins web on twiki.org.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Parameter Explanation Default
"..." Default parameter. (none)
format="..." Format: ... "$name"


  • %EXAMPLEVAR{}% expands to: %EXAMPLEVAR{}%

Plugin Installation Instructions

Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the plugin on the TWiki server.

<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->

  • For an automated installation, run the configure script and follow "Find More Extensions" in the in the Extensions section.

  • Or, follow these manual installation steps:
    • Download the ZIP file from the Plugins home (see below).
    • Unzip EmptyPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
      File: Description:
      data/TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt Plugin topic
      data/TWiki/VarEXAMPLEVAR.txt Variable documentation topic
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Plugin Perl module
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin/Config.spec Plugin Config spec
    • Set the ownership of the extracted directories and files to the webserver user.
    • Install the dependencies (if any).

  • Plugin configuration and testing:
    • Run the configure script and enable the plugin in the Plugins section
    • Configure additional plugin settings in the Extensions section if needed.
    • Test if the installation was successful: See example above.


Plugin Info

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2015 TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki.org;
© 2001-2015 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
Copyright: © 2001-2018 TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki.org;
© 2001-2018 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 2015-09-18
Plugin Version: 2018-05-07
<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
2018-07-05: TWikibug:Item7841: Copyright update to 2018
2016-01-08: TWikibug:Item7708: Copyright update to 2016
2015-09-18: TWikibug:Item7689: Introducing topicTitleHandler() in plugins
2015-07-02: TWikibug:Item7604: Fix source code comment about parameters of TWiki variables
2015-01-10: TWikibug:Item7604: Switch from GPL v2 to v3
2013-09-27: TWikibug:Item7354: Align TWiki::Plugins::VERSION with TWiki release version, e.g. 6.00 for TWiki-6.0.0
2013-02-16: TWikibug:Item7123: Use TWISTY in installation instructions and change history
2013-02-11: TWikibug:Item7142: iewRedirectHandler() in plug-ins -- TWiki:Main.HideyoImazu
2012-12-12: TWikibug:Item7077: Small doc fix -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2012-11-15: TWikibug:Item7020: Add category to VarEXAMPLEVAR variable doc -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-05-22: TWikibug:Item6724: Pass text and meta data to registerTagHandler callback -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-05-17: TWikibug:Item6725: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "ours"; doc improvements -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-03-06: TWikibug:Item6656: Add meta data to attachment save handlers
2011-02-08: TWikibug:Item6593: Doc improvements; adding VarEXAMPLEVAR variable documentation
2010-05-08: TWikibug:Item6433: Doc improvements; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB
2007-05-20: Added renderWikiWordHandler
2006-02-01: Dakar changes
2004-03-21: Added afterSaveHandler
2001-07-14: Changed to plug&play
2001-02-27: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.4
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
Plugin Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: VarEXAMPLEVAR, TWikiPlugins, TWikiFuncDotPm, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

Revision 242015-09-18 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

   Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
   http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin or provide feedback at
   If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
 Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins


This is an empty plugin. Use it as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be extended and used.

To create your own plugin:

  • Copy file lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin. Add your own code; remove all handlers you do not plan to use.
  • Create a <name>Plugin documentation topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackageHowTo and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic on twiki.org yet). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • Please consider contributing your plugin back to the TWiki community by publishing it in the Plugins web on twiki.org.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Parameter Explanation Default
"..." Default parameter. (none)
format="..." Format: ... "$name"


  • %EXAMPLEVAR{}% expands to: %EXAMPLEVAR{}%

Plugin Installation Instructions

Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the plugin on the TWiki server.

<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->

  • For an automated installation, run the configure script and follow "Find More Extensions" in the in the Extensions section.

  • Or, follow these manual installation steps:
    • Download the ZIP file from the Plugins home (see below).
    • Unzip EmptyPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
      File: Description:
      data/TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt Plugin topic
      data/TWiki/VarEXAMPLEVAR.txt Variable documentation topic
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Plugin Perl module
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin/Config.spec Plugin Config spec
    • Set the ownership of the extracted directories and files to the webserver user.
    • Install the dependencies (if any).

  • Plugin configuration and testing:
    • Run the configure script and enable the plugin in the Plugins section
    • Configure additional plugin settings in the Extensions section if needed.
    • Test if the installation was successful: See example above.


Plugin Info

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2013, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
Copyright: © 2001-2015 TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki.org;
© 2001-2015 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 2013-09-27
Plugin Version: 2015-09-18
<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
2015-09-18: TWikibug:Item7689: Introducing topicTitleHandler() in plugins
2015-07-02: TWikibug:Item7604: Fix source code comment about parameters of TWiki variables
2015-01-10: TWikibug:Item7604: Switch from GPL v2 to v3
2013-09-27: TWikibug:Item7354: Align TWiki::Plugins::VERSION with TWiki release version, e.g. 6.00 for TWiki-6.0.0
2013-02-16: TWikibug:Item7123: Use TWISTY in installation instructions and change history
2013-02-11: TWikibug:Item7142: iewRedirectHandler() in plug-ins -- TWiki:Main.HideyoImazu
2012-12-12: TWikibug:Item7077: Small doc fix -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2012-11-15: TWikibug:Item7020: Add category to VarEXAMPLEVAR variable doc -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-05-22: TWikibug:Item6724: Pass text and meta data to registerTagHandler callback -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-05-17: TWikibug:Item6725: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "ours"; doc improvements -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-03-06: TWikibug:Item6656: Add meta data to attachment save handlers
2011-02-08: TWikibug:Item6593: Doc improvements; adding VarEXAMPLEVAR variable documentation
2010-05-08: TWikibug:Item6433: Doc improvements; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB
2007-05-20: Added renderWikiWordHandler
2006-02-01: Dakar changes
2004-03-21: Added afterSaveHandler
2001-07-14: Changed to plug&play
2001-02-27: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.4
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
Plugin Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: VarEXAMPLEVAR, TWikiPlugins, TWikiFuncDotPm, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

Revision 232013-09-27 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

   Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
   http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin or provide feedback at
   If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins


This is an empty plugin. Use it as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be extended and used.

To create your own plugin:

  • Copy file lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin. Add your own code; remove all handlers you do not plan to use.
  • Create a <name>Plugin documentation topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackageHowTo and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic on twiki.org yet). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • Please consider contributing your plugin back to the TWiki community by publishing it in the Plugins web on twiki.org.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Parameter Explanation Default
"..." Default parameter. (none)
format="..." Format: ... "$name"


  • %EXAMPLEVAR{}% expands to: %EXAMPLEVAR{}%

Plugin Installation Instructions

Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the plugin on the TWiki server.

<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->

  • For an automated installation, run the configure script and follow "Find More Extensions" in the in the Extensions section.

  • Or, follow these manual installation steps:
    • Download the ZIP file from the Plugins home (see below).
    • Unzip EmptyPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
      File: Description:
      data/TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt Plugin topic
      data/TWiki/VarEXAMPLEVAR.txt Variable documentation topic
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Plugin Perl module
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin/Config.spec Plugin Config spec
    • Set the ownership of the extracted directories and files to the webserver user.
    • Install the dependencies (if any).

  • Plugin configuration and testing:
    • Run the configure script and enable the plugin in the Plugins section
    • Configure additional plugin settings in the Extensions section if needed.
    • Test if the installation was successful: See example above.


Plugin Info

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2013, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 2013-02-16
Plugin Version: 2013-09-27
<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
2013-09-27: TWikibug:Item7354: Align TWiki::Plugins::VERSION with TWiki release version, e.g. 6.00 for TWiki-6.0.0
2013-02-16: TWikibug:Item7123: Use TWISTY in installation instructions and change history
2013-02-11: TWikibug:Item7142: iewRedirectHandler() in plug-ins -- TWiki:Main.HideyoImazu
2012-12-12: TWikibug:Item7077: Small doc fix -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2012-11-15: TWikibug:Item7020: Add category to VarEXAMPLEVAR variable doc -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-05-22: TWikibug:Item6724: Pass text and meta data to registerTagHandler callback -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-05-17: TWikibug:Item6725: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "ours"; doc improvements -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-03-06: TWikibug:Item6656: Add meta data to attachment save handlers
2011-02-08: TWikibug:Item6593: Doc improvements; adding VarEXAMPLEVAR variable documentation
2010-05-08: TWikibug:Item6433: Doc improvements; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB
2007-05-20: Added renderWikiWordHandler
2006-02-01: Dakar changes
2004-03-21: Added afterSaveHandler
2001-07-14: Changed to plug&play
2001-02-27: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.4
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
Plugin Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: VarEXAMPLEVAR, TWikiPlugins, TWikiFuncDotPm, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

Revision 222013-02-16 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

   Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
   http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin or provide feedback at
   If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins


This is an empty plugin. Use it as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be extended and used.

To create your own plugin:

  • Copy file lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin. Add your own code; remove all handlers you do not plan to use.
  • Create a <name>Plugin documentation topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackageHowTo and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic on twiki.org yet). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • Please consider contributing your plugin back to the TWiki community by publishing it in the Plugins web on twiki.org.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Parameter Explanation Default
"..." Default parameter. (none)
format="..." Format: ... "$name"


  • %EXAMPLEVAR{}% expands to: %EXAMPLEVAR{}%

Plugin Installation Instructions

Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the plugin on the TWiki server.

<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
  • For an automated installation, run the configure script and follow "Find More Extensions" in the in the Extensions section.

  • Or, follow these manual installation steps:
    • Download the ZIP file from the Plugins home (see below).
    • Unzip EmptyPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
      File: Description:
      data/TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt Plugin topic
      data/TWiki/VarEXAMPLEVAR.txt Variable documentation topic
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Plugin Perl module
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin/Config.spec Plugin Config spec
    • Set the ownership of the extracted directories and files to the webserver user.
    • Install the dependencies (if any).

  • Plugin configuration and testing:
    • Run the configure script and enable the plugin in the Plugins section
    • Configure additional plugin settings in the Extensions section if needed.
    • Test if the installation was successful: See example above.

Plugin Info

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins
Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2012, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
Copyright: © 2001-2013, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 24472 (2012-12-16)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
Plugin Version: 2013-02-16
mode="div" showlink="Show Change History https://twiki.pp.rl.ac.uk/twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/toggleopen.gif" hidelink="Hide Change History https://twiki.pp.rl.ac.uk/twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/toggleclose.gif" }%
2013-02-16: TWikibug:Item7123: Use TWISTY in installation instructions and change history
2013-02-11: TWikibug:Item7142: iewRedirectHandler() in plug-ins -- TWiki:Main.HideyoImazu
2012-12-12: TWikibug:Item7077: Small doc fix -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2012-11-15: TWikibug:Item7020: Add category to VarEXAMPLEVAR variable doc -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-05-22: TWikibug:Item6724: Pass text and meta data to registerTagHandler callback -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-05-17: TWikibug:Item6725: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "ours"; doc improvements -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-03-06: TWikibug:Item6656: Add meta data to attachment save handlers
2011-02-08: TWikibug:Item6593: Doc improvements; adding VarEXAMPLEVAR variable documentation
2010-05-08: TWikibug:Item6433: Doc improvements; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB
2007-05-20: Added renderWikiWordHandler
2006-02-01: Dakar changes
2004-03-21: Added afterSaveHandler
2001-07-14: Changed to plug&play
2001-02-27: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.4
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: VarEXAMPLEVAR, TWikiPlugins, TWikiFuncDotPm, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

Revision 212012-12-13 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

   Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
   http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin or provide feedback at
   If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins


This is an empty plugin. Use it as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be extended and used.

To create your own plugin:

  • Copy file lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin. Add your own code; remove all handlers you do not plan to use.
  • Create a <name>Plugin documentation topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackageHowTo and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic on twiki.org yet). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • Please consider contributing your plugin back to the TWiki community by publishing it in the Plugins web on twiki.org.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Parameter Explanation
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
"..." Default parameter. (none)
format="..." Format: ... "$name"


  • %EXAMPLEVAR{}% expands to: %EXAMPLEVAR{}%

Plugin Installation Instructions

Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the plugin on the TWiki server.

  • For an automated installation, run the configure script and follow "Find More Extensions" in the in the Extensions section.

  • Or, follow these manual installation steps:
    • Download the ZIP file from the Plugins home (see below).
    • Unzip EmptyPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
      File: Description:
      data/TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt Plugin topic
      data/TWiki/VarEXAMPLEVAR.txt Variable documentation topic
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Plugin Perl module
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin/Config.spec Plugin Config spec
    • Set the ownership of the extracted directories and files to the webserver user.
    • Install the dependencies (if any).

  • Plugin configuration and testing:
    • Run the configure script and enable the plugin in the Plugins section
    • Configure additional plugin settings in the Extensions section if needed.
    • Test if the installation was successful: See example above.

Plugin Info

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2011, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
Copyright: © 2001-2012, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 21319 (2012-10-07)
Plugin Version: 24472 (2012-12-16)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
2012-12-12: TWikibug:Item7077: Small doc fix -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2012-11-15: TWikibug:Item7020: Add category to VarEXAMPLEVAR variable doc -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-05-22: TWikibug:Item6724: Pass text and meta data to registerTagHandler callback -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-05-17: TWikibug:Item6725: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "ours"; doc improvements -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-03-06: TWikibug:Item6656: Add meta data to attachment save handlers
2011-02-08: TWikibug:Item6593: Doc improvements; adding VarEXAMPLEVAR variable documentation
2010-05-08: TWikibug:Item6433: Doc improvements; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB
2007-05-20: Added renderWikiWordHandler
2006-02-01: Dakar changes
2004-03-21: Added afterSaveHandler
2001-07-14: Changed to plug&play
2001-02-27: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.4
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: VarEXAMPLEVAR, TWikiPlugins, TWikiFuncDotPm, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

Revision 202011-05-23 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

   Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
   http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin or provide feedback at
   If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins


This is an empty plugin. Use it as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be extended and used.

To create your own plugin:

  • Copy file lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin. Add your own code; remove all handlers you do not plan to use.
  • Create a <name>Plugin documentation topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackageHowTo and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic on twiki.org yet). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • Please consider contributing your plugin back to the TWiki community by publishing it in the Plugins web on twiki.org.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Parameter Explanation Default
"..." Default parameter. (none)
format="..." Format: ... "$name"


  • %EXAMPLEVAR{}% expands to: %EXAMPLEVAR{}%

Plugin Installation Instructions

Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the plugin on the TWiki server.

  • For an automated installation, run the configure script and follow "Find More Extensions" in the in the Extensions section.

  • Or, follow these manual installation steps:
    • Download the ZIP file from the Plugins home (see below).
    • Unzip EmptyPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
      File: Description:
      data/TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt Plugin topic
      data/TWiki/VarEXAMPLEVAR.txt Variable documentation topic
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Plugin Perl module
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin/Config.spec Plugin Config spec
    • Set the ownership of the extracted directories and files to the webserver user.
    • Install the dependencies (if any).

  • Plugin configuration and testing:
    • Run the configure script and enable the plugin in the Plugins section
    • Configure additional plugin settings in the Extensions section if needed.
    • Test if the installation was successful: See example above.

Plugin Info

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2011, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 21319 (2012-01-14)
Plugin Version: 21319 (2012-10-07)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
2011-05-22: TWikibug:Item6724: Pass text and meta data to registerTagHandler callback -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-05-17: TWikibug:Item6725: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "ours"; doc improvements -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-03-06: TWikibug:Item6656: Add meta data to attachment save handlers
2011-02-08: TWikibug:Item6593: Doc improvements; adding VarEXAMPLEVAR variable documentation
2010-05-08: TWikibug:Item6433: Doc improvements; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB
2007-05-20: Added renderWikiWordHandler
2006-02-01: Dakar changes
2004-03-21: Added afterSaveHandler
2001-07-14: Changed to plug&play
2001-02-27: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.4
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: VarEXAMPLEVAR, TWikiPlugins, TWikiFuncDotPm, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

Revision 192011-05-23 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

   Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
   http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin or provide feedback at
   If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins


This is an empty plugin. Use it as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be extended and used.

To create your own plugin:

  • Copy file lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin. Add your own code; remove all handlers you do not plan to use.
  • Create a <name>Plugin documentation topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackageHowTo and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic on twiki.org yet). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • Please consider contributing your plugin back to the TWiki community by publishing it in the Plugins web on twiki.org.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Parameter Explanation Default
"..." Default parameter. (none)
format="..." Format: ... "$name"


  • %EXAMPLEVAR{}% expands to: %EXAMPLEVAR{}%

Plugin Installation Instructions

Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the plugin on the TWiki server.

  • For an automated installation, run the configure script and follow "Find More Extensions" in the in the Extensions section.

  • Or, follow these manual installation steps:
    • Download the ZIP file from the Plugins home (see below).
    • Unzip EmptyPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
      File: Description:
      data/TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt Plugin topic
      data/TWiki/VarEXAMPLEVAR.txt Variable documentation topic
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Plugin Perl module
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin/Config.spec Plugin Config spec
    • Set the ownership of the extracted directories and files to the webserver user.
    • Install the dependencies (if any).

  • Plugin configuration and testing:
    • Run the configure script and enable the plugin in the Plugins section
    • Configure additional plugin settings in the Extensions section if needed.
    • Test if the installation was successful: See example above.

Plugin Info

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2011, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 21319 (2011-08-20)
Plugin Version: 21319 (2012-01-14)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
2011-05-22: TWikibug:Item6724: Pass text and meta data to registerTagHandler callback -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-05-17: TWikibug:Item6725: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "ours"; doc improvements -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-03-06: TWikibug:Item6656: Add meta data to attachment save handlers
2011-02-08: TWikibug:Item6593: Doc improvements; adding VarEXAMPLEVAR variable documentation
2010-05-08: TWikibug:Item6433: Doc improvements; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB
2007-05-20: Added renderWikiWordHandler
2006-02-01: Dakar changes
2004-03-21: Added afterSaveHandler
2001-07-14: Changed to plug&play
2001-02-27: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.4
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: VarEXAMPLEVAR, TWikiPlugins, TWikiFuncDotPm, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

Revision 182011-05-23 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

   Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
   http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin or provide feedback at
   If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins


This is an empty plugin. Use it as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.
This is an empty plugin. Use it as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be extended and used.
  To create your own plugin:

  • Copy file lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin. Add your own code; remove all handlers you do not plan to use.
  • Create a <name>Plugin documentation topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackageHowTo and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic on twiki.org yet). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • Please consider contributing your plugin back to the TWiki community by publishing it in the Plugins web on twiki.org.

Syntax Rules

Parameter Explanation Default
"..." Default parameter. (none)
format="..." Format: ... "$name"


  • %EXAMPLEVAR{}% expands to: %EXAMPLEVAR{}%

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is pre-installed, you do not need to install it.
Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the plugin on the TWiki server.
  • For an automated installation, run the configure script and follow "Find More Extensions" in the in the Extensions section.

  • Or, follow these manual installation steps:
    • Download the ZIP file from the Plugins home (see below).
    • Unzip EmptyPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
      File: Description:
      data/TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt Plugin topic
      data/TWiki/VarEXAMPLEVAR.txt Variable documentation topic
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Plugin Perl module
      lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin/Config.spec Plugin Config spec
    • Set the ownership of the extracted directories and files to the webserver user.
    • Install the dependencies (if any).

  • Plugin configuration and testing:
    • Run the configure script and enable the plugin in the Plugins section
    • Configure additional plugin settings in the Extensions section if needed.
    • Test if the installation was successful: See example above.

Plugin Info

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2011, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 20632 (2011-05-03)
Plugin Version: 21319 (2011-08-20)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
2011-05-22: TWikibug:Item6724: Pass text and meta data to registerTagHandler callback -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-05-17: TWikibug:Item6725: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "ours"; doc improvements -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-03-06: TWikibug:Item6656: Add meta data to attachment save handlers
2011-02-08: TWikibug:Item6593: Doc improvements; adding VarEXAMPLEVAR variable documentation
2010-05-08: TWikibug:Item6433: Doc improvements; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB
2007-05-20: Added renderWikiWordHandler
2006-02-01: Dakar changes
2004-03-21: Added afterSaveHandler
2001-07-14: Changed to plug&play
2001-02-27: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.4
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal
Related Topics: VarEXAMPLEVAR, TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences
Related Topics: VarEXAMPLEVAR, TWikiPlugins, TWikiFuncDotPm, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

Revision 172011-03-07 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

   Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
   http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin or provide feedback at
   If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
 Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins


This is an empty plugin. Use it as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.

To create your own plugin:

  • Copy file lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin. Add your own code; remove all handlers you do not plan to use.
  • Create a <name>Plugin documentation topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackageHowTo and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules



Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins

  • Your own setting, for example:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!

  • Debug plugin: ( TWiki sets $debug in your plugin. See output in data/debug.txt.)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is pre-installed, you do not need to install it.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main/AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2010, TWiki:TWiki/TWikiContributor
  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins
Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2011, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 18620 (2010-05-29)
Plugin Version: 20632 (2011-05-03)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
2010-05-08: TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB
2011-03-06: TWikibug:Item6656: Add meta data to attachment save handlers
2011-02-08: TWikibug:Item6593: Doc improvements; adding VarEXAMPLEVAR variable documentation
2010-05-08: TWikibug:Item6433: Doc improvements; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB
2007-05-20: Added renderWikiWordHandler
2006-02-01: Dakar changes
2004-03-21: Added afterSaveHandler
2001-07-14: Changed to plug&play
2001-02-27: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal
Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences
Related Topics: VarEXAMPLEVAR, TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

Revision 162010-05-08 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin


Empty TWiki Plugin

   Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
   http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin or provide feedback at
   If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins
This is an empty Plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This Plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.


To create your own Plugin:
This is an empty plugin. Use it as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.
  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
To create your own plugin:
  • Copy file lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin. Add your own code; remove all handlers you do not plan to use.
  • Create a <name>Plugin documentation topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackageHowTo and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference
Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%
a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%
  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new Plugins
  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new plugins
  • Your own setting, for example:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!

  • Debug plugin: ( TWiki sets $debug in your plugin. See output in data/debug.txt.)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.
  • This plugin is pre-installed, you do not need to install it.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2007, TWikiContributor
Plugin Author: TWiki:Main/AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2010, TWiki:TWiki/TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 15942 (02 Sep 2009)
Plugin Version: 18620 (2010-05-29)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
20 May 2007 Added renderWikiWordHandler
01 Feb 2006: Dakar changes
21 Mar 2004: Added afterSaveHandler
14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
2010-05-08: TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB
2007-05-20: Added renderWikiWordHandler
2006-02-01: Dakar changes
2004-03-21: Added afterSaveHandler
2001-07-14: Changed to plug&play
2001-02-27: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal
Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences
Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences
-- TWikiContributor - 01 Feb 2006

Revision 152005-03-27 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

This is an empty Plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This Plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.

To create your own Plugin:

  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Create a <name>Plugin topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackage#NewPlugin and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new Plugins

  • Your own setting, for example:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!

  • Debug plugin: ( TWiki sets $debug in your plugin. See output in data/debug.txt.)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2007, TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 15942 (29 Apr 2009)
Plugin Version: 15942 (02 Sep 2009)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
20 May 2007 Added renderWikiWordHandler
01 Feb 2006: Dakar changes
21 Mar 2004: Added afterSaveHandler
14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

-- TWikiContributor - 01 Feb 2006

Revision 142005-03-27 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

This is an empty Plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This Plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.

To create your own Plugin:

  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Create a <name>Plugin topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackage#NewPlugin and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new Plugins

  • Your own setting, for example:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!

  • Debug plugin: ( TWiki sets $debug in your plugin. See output in data/debug.txt.)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2007, TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 15942 (30 Mar 2009)
Plugin Version: 15942 (29 Apr 2009)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
20 May 2007 Added renderWikiWordHandler
01 Feb 2006: Dakar changes
21 Mar 2004: Added afterSaveHandler
14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

-- TWikiContributor - 01 Feb 2006

Revision 132005-03-27 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

This is an empty Plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This Plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.

To create your own Plugin:

  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Create a <name>Plugin topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackage#NewPlugin and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new Plugins

  • Your own setting, for example:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!

  • Debug plugin: ( TWiki sets $debug in your plugin. See output in data/debug.txt.)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2007, TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 15942 (06 Dec 2008)
Plugin Version: 15942 (30 Mar 2009)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
20 May 2007 Added renderWikiWordHandler
01 Feb 2006: Dakar changes
21 Mar 2004: Added afterSaveHandler
14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

-- TWikiContributor - 01 Feb 2006

Revision 122005-03-27 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

This is an empty Plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This Plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.

To create your own Plugin:

  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Create a <name>Plugin topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackage#NewPlugin and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new Plugins

  • Your own setting, for example:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!

  • Debug plugin: ( TWiki sets $debug in your plugin. See output in data/debug.txt.)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2007, TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 15942 (04 Aug 2008)
Plugin Version: 15942 (06 Dec 2008)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
20 May 2007 Added renderWikiWordHandler
01 Feb 2006: Dakar changes
21 Mar 2004: Added afterSaveHandler
14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

-- TWikiContributor - 01 Feb 2006

Revision 112005-03-27 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

This is an empty Plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This Plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.

To create your own Plugin:

  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Create a <name>Plugin topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackage#NewPlugin and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new Plugins

  • Your own setting, for example:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!

  • Debug plugin: ( TWiki sets $debug in your plugin. See output in data/debug.txt.)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2007, TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 15942 (22 Jan 2008)
Plugin Version: 15942 (04 Aug 2008)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
20 May 2007 Added renderWikiWordHandler
01 Feb 2006: Dakar changes
21 Mar 2004: Added afterSaveHandler
14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

-- TWikiContributor - 01 Feb 2006

Revision 102005-03-27 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

This is an empty Plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This Plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.

To create your own Plugin:

  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Create a <name>Plugin topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackage#NewPlugin and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules



Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new Plugins

  • Your own setting, for example:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!

  • Debug plugin: ( TWiki sets $debug in your plugin. See output in data/debug.txt.)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2006, TWikiContributor
Copyright: © 2001-2007, TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 01 Feb 2006
Plugin Version: 15942 (22 Jan 2008)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
20 May 2007 Added renderWikiWordHandler
01 Feb 2006: Dakar changes
21 Mar 2004: Added afterSaveHandler
14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1
CPAN Dependencies: none
Dependencies: %$DEPENDENCIES
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.005
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

-- TWikiContributor - 01 Feb 2006

Revision 92005-03-27 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

This is an empty Plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This Plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.

To create your own Plugin:

  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Create a <name>Plugin topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackage#NewPlugin and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules



Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new Plugins

  • Your own setting, for example:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!

  • Debug plugin: (See output in data/debug.txt)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2006, TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 01 Feb 2006
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
01 Feb 2006: Dakar changes
21 Mar 2004: Added afterSaveHandler
14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.005
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

-- TWikiContributor - 01 Feb 2006

Revision 82005-03-27 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

This is an empty plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.
This is an empty Plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This Plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.
To create your own plugin:
To create your own Plugin:
  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Create a <name>Plugin topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/ and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.
  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Create a <name>Plugin topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PluginPackage#NewPlugin and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = This plugin does nothing, but can be used as a template for your own plugins.
  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Empty Plugin used as a template for new Plugins
  • Your own setting, for example:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!
  • Your own setting, for example:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!
  • Debug plugin: (See output in data/debug.txt)
    • Set DEBUG = 0
  • Debug plugin: (See output in data/debug.txt)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.
  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Plugin Version: 21 Mar 2004
Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
Copyright: © 2001-2006, TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 01 Feb 2006
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
01 Feb 2006: Dakar changes
21 Mar 2004: Added afterSaveHandler
14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.0
Perl Version: 5.005
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal
Related Topics: DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins
Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences
-- TWikiContributor - 01 Feb 2006

Revision 72005-03-27 - TWikiContributor


Empty TWiki Plugin

This is an empty plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.

To create your own plugin:

  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Create a <name>Plugin topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/ and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = This plugin does nothing, but can be used as a template for your own plugins.

  • Your own setting, i.e.:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!

  • Debug plugin: (See output in data/debug.txt)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Plugin Version: 21 Mar 2003
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
21 Mar 2004: Added afterSaveHandler
14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.0
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev

Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, DefaultPlugin

-- TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini - 27 Feb 2001
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 21 Mar 2004


Empty TWiki Plugin

This is an empty plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.

To create your own plugin:

  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Create a <name>Plugin topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/ and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = This plugin does nothing, but can be used as a template for your own plugins.

  • Your own setting, for example:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!

  • Debug plugin: (See output in data/debug.txt)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Plugin Version: 21 Mar 2004
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
21 Mar 2004: Added afterSaveHandler
14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.0
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins


Revision 62004-03-21 - PeterThoeny


Empty TWiki Plugin

This is an empty plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.

To create your own plugin:

  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Create a <name>Plugin topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/ and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules

(describe the syntax)

EmptyPlugin Global Settings


Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, for example, %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%
Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference
a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = This plugin does nothing, but can be used as a template for your own plugins.
  • Your own settings, for example:
  • Your own setting, i.e.:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!

  • Debug plugin: (See output in data/debug.txt)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

(This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.)
  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.
Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the plugin on the server where TWiki is running.

  • Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
  • Unzip EmptyPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
    File: Description:
    data/TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt Plugin topic
    data/TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt,v Plugin topic repository
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Plugin Perl module
  • Test if the plugin is correctly installed:
    • (describe tests here)

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: AndreaSterbini, PeterThoeny
Plugin Version: 14 Jul 2001 (V1.000)
Change History:
<-- specify latest version first -->
Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Plugin Version: 21 Mar 2003
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
21 Mar 2004: Added afterSaveHandler
14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.005
Perl Version: 5.0
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 99%, FormattedSearch 99%, EmptyPlugin 99%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev

Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, DefaultPlugin

-- AndreaSterbini - 27 Feb 2001
-- PeterThoeny - 14 Jul 2001
-- TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini - 27 Feb 2001
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 21 Mar 2004

Revision 52002-06-13 - PeterThoeny


Empty TWiki Plugin


Empty TWiki Plugin

  This is an empty plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.

To create your own plugin:

  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Create a <name>Plugin topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/ and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


Syntax Rules

(describe the syntax)

EmptyPlugin Settings


EmptyPlugin Global Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference
Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, for example, %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%
a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, for example, %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%
  • One line description, shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = This plugin does nothing, but can be used as a template for your own plugins.
  • Your own setting, i.e.:
  • Your own settings, for example:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!

  • Debug plugin: (See output in data/debug.txt)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions


Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.
(This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.)

Plugin Info

Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the plugin on the server where TWiki is running.
  • Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
  • Unzip EmptyPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
    File: Description:
    data/TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt Plugin topic
    data/TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt,v Plugin topic repository
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Plugin Perl module
  • Test if the plugin is correctly installed:
    • (describe tests here)

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: AndreaSterbini, PeterThoeny
Plugin Version: 14 Jul 2001
Change History: 14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
Plugin Version: 14 Jul 2001 (V1.000)
Change History:
<-- specify latest version first -->
14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.0
Perl Version: 5.005
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev

Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, DefaultPlugin

-- AndreaSterbini - 27 Feb 2001
-- PeterThoeny - 14 Jul 2001
-- AndreaSterbini - 27 Feb 2001
-- PeterThoeny - 14 Jul 2001

Revision 42002-01-05 - PeterThoeny


Empty TWiki Plugin

This is an empty plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.

To create your own plugin:

  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Create a <name>Plugin topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/ and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.

Syntax Rules


EmptyPlugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference

a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%
a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, for example, %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = This plugin does nothing, but can be used as a template for your own plugins.

  • Your own setting, i.e.:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!

  • Debug plugin: (See output in data/debug.txt)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: AndreaSterbini, PeterThoeny
Plugin Version: 14 Jul 2001
Change History: 14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.0
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev

Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, DefaultPlugin

-- AndreaSterbini - 27 Feb 2001
-- PeterThoeny - 14 Jul 2001

Revision 32001-07-14 - PeterThoeny


Empty TWiki Plugin

This is an empty plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.

To create your own plugin:

  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Copy this topic to <name>Plugin and customize it.
  • Create a <name>Plugin topic in the TWiki web. Do so by visiting http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/ and starting a new topic to get the default plugin topic text (don't save the topic). Customize your plugin topic to your needs.

Syntax Rules



EmptyPlugin Preferences


EmptyPlugin Settings

Plugin preferences are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin preference write %<plugin name>_<preference name>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%
Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = This plugin does nothing, but can be used as a template for your own plugins.
  • Your own preferences, i.e.:
    • Set COLOR = red
  • Your own setting, i.e.:
    • Set EXAMPLE = got it!
  • Debug plugin: (See output in data/debug.txt)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: AndreaSterbini, PeterThoeny
Plugin Version: 08 Jul 2001
Change History: 08 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
Plugin Version: 14 Jul 2001
Change History: 14 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.0
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev

Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, DefaultPlugin

-- AndreaSterbini - 27 Feb 2001

-- PeterThoeny - 08 Jul 2001
-- PeterThoeny - 14 Jul 2001

Revision 22001-07-09 - PeterThoeny


Empty TWiki Plugin

This is an empty plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.
This is an empty plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.
Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
To create your own plugin:
Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, DefaultPlugin
  • Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.
  • Copy this topic to <name>Plugin and customize it.
  • See details in TWikiPlugins.
-- PeterThoeny - 13 Mar 2001

Syntax Rules


EmptyPlugin Preferences

Plugin preferences are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin preference write %<plugin name>_<preference name>%, i.e. %EMPTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%

  • One line description, is included in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = This plugin does nothing, but can be used as a template for your own plugins.

  • Your own preferences, i.e.:
    • Set COLOR = red

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • This plugin is preinstalled, you do not need to install it.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: AndreaSterbini, PeterThoeny
Plugin Version: 08 Jul 2001
Change History: 08 Jul 2001: Changed to plug&play
27 Feb 2001: Initial version
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.0
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EmptyPluginDev

Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, DefaultPlugin

-- AndreaSterbini - 27 Feb 2001
-- PeterThoeny - 08 Jul 2001


Revision 12001-03-14 - PeterThoeny

 Empty TWiki Plugin

This is an empty plugin you can use as a template to build your own TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be used.

Copy file TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm to <name>Plugin.pm and customize the plugin.

Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, DefaultPlugin

-- PeterThoeny - 13 Mar 2001

This site is powered by the TWiki collaboration platform Powered by PerlCopyright © 1999-2024 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.
Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? Send feedback
Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.EmptyPlugin.